



Vikas Malkani: De Steve Jobs of Wisdom komt naar Nederland!

We willen het allemaal: succesvoller, gelukkiger, gezonder zijn. Er wordt volop gepredikt over hoe je dit kunt bereiken: boeken zijn volgeschreven en online zijn er talloze zelf bekroonde self-help guru’s die je eenvoudig op weg helpen. Maar wiens advies volg je nou op? Weinig sprekers hielpen zoveel mensen en ondernemers hun volledige potentie te bereiken als #1 Wisdom Coach Vikas Malkani. Over de hele wereld coachte hij de top van o.a. Nike, Siemens en Rolls Royce en deelde hij het podium met sterren als John Travolta, Michael Douglas en Al Gore. En nu kun ook jij van hem leren: in mei komt Vikas Malkani voor het eerst naar Nederland!

Learn from the best

Tijdens Food4Business krijg je de unieke kans om van Vikas Malkani te leren. Slechts 200 aanwezigen gaan in een avond aan de slag met in totaal 10 topsprekers zoals Vikas om te werken aan hun weg richting groei en succes. 

Vikas Malkani wordt ook wel De Steve Jobs of Wisdom genoemd - en dat is niet voor niks. In 2017 ontving hij de Top Speaker Award op de Mega Success USA conference. Zowel offline als online deelt hij zijn wijsheid en lessen. Onlangs werkte hij nog samen met Randi Zuckerberg [de zus van Facebook oprichter Mark Zuckerberg en voormalig Directrice Marketing Facebook] om live vragen te beantwoorden. 

''I would like to thank Vikas for his inspirational and energizing teachings. I am very grateful and happy that life brought me to this amazing master of wisdom and wonderful human being when I just needed it the most.'' - Goran Musulin, HR Director (Asia & Australia) Siemens Healthcare Singapore

Maar niet alleen grote spelers leren van Vikas Malkani: zijn boodschap is een krachtige tool voor iedereen die beter wil presteren en gelukkiger wil zijn. Overtuig jezelf, lees zijn nieuwste artikel:

You are the Author of your own Life-Story

Imagine that we are all born as authors with a pen in hand, and since our first day on planet earth we have been writing the book containing our life story.

We have done this with every thought we had and every action we undertook. Our Life story was being written with the thoughts, decisions, and actions we made or did not make.

However, somewhere along the way, we forgot that we were writing, but the story of our life has continued in every moment with every thought.

When we were born, we had this inherent ability to create a life story of our own choosing, and we still retain this ability. In fact, this is an ability we use at every moment whether we realize it or not.

The problem is that we have forgotten that we are writing, and so we continuing to do it unconsciously, and so what have we created? Obviously, a life story that’s not completely what we want.

In reality, most of us “sleepwalk” through life. We do not consciously choose the story we write. We do not consciously create the life we desire and dream of. Over the years we have become conditioned to live in a certain way and have become de-linked from reality, most of all from the answer to ‘What am I really here for?’

We go through life just reacting to one situation or event after another until at some time in life we suddenly have a wake-up call! Wake up calls generally come to us as bankruptcies, divorces, betrayals, and serious illnesses. Suddenly for the first time, we are forced to step back from the frantic action of the external world and begin to ask ourselves some serious questions about life, and often it is at this stage that we despair!

But such a moment is a good moment because it makes us pause and really take a long hard look at what we have created in life so far.

It’s a good time now to take a realistic look at the life story we have created so far. Look at your health and happiness, your work and your wealth, your relationships and your life-purpose - Which are the areas you like? Which are the areas which make you feel good? What are the areas you concentrated on and produced the results you expected? What are the areas you want to hold on to? Similarly; what are the areas you do not like? Which are the areas that make you unhappy each time you look at them? What are the areas where dull, depressing emotions are experienced? Which are the areas you want to change?

Now comes the question of Wisdom and Power - Once you have looked long and hard at the story of your life so far, what do you do?

Well, you have to become an author again, only this time a conscious one! You now have to write verses that lead up to the vision you have for your life. You have to choose the characters you want to continue with, and the characters you want to let go of. You have to choose the circumstances you want to continue with, those you want to release and the ones you want to change.

Every line and every chapter must lead up to the final climax you want to create in the story of your life. You have to become a master author with every line that you write.

You must not waste time dwelling on the past, what the story has been so far, what has already happened; Instead, you must use the time now to improve and move forward. Ever so often, we must stop and take another look, and ask ourselves if there any other areas you can improve? Importantly, we must enjoy the story we write and share it with the world!

While writing the story of your life as you choose it to be, realize that no story is ever the perfect one…for perfection only lies in the eye of the beholder. So write with the understanding that you may make mistakes, you may change your mind, and you may even want to change in the future what you have decided to write now, and all that is OK.

You still write because you completely understand and accept the fact that even though you are consciously writing your life story now, you are constantly in a state of evolution. You realize that, as you change, your story will change too!

Door Vikas Malkani, gepubliceerd op 15 april 2019. Klik hier voor het originele artikel.

Take a chance, make a change

Nu is het moment om deze unieke kans te pakken om Vikas Malkani zelf mee te maken tijdens Food4Business. Zorg dat je erbij bent op 28 mei en boek snel je tickets, nu nog voor de exclusieve Early Bird prijs van slechts 149 euro! Er zijn slechts 200 tickets beschikbaar voor dit bijzondere event. Reserveer je ticket hier!


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Food4Business | 28 mei 2019: Vikas Malkani: De Steve Jobs of Wisdom komt naar Nederland!
Vikas Malkani: De Steve Jobs of Wisdom komt naar Nederland!
Food4Business | 28 mei 2019
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